About the author
Timothy Cooper is the author of two novels: World One (Second Edition, revised) and 2020 or My Name is Jesus Christ and I'm Running for President. He is currently writing his third novel, a star-studded geopolitical mystery set in Switzerland.
He is also a composer and pianist. His recently released third solo piano CD, Global Skies, met with international critical acclaim and reached the Top Ten on the Zone Music Reporter international music charts in 2018. It was on the ZMR Top 100 charts for six months. In addition, Mr. Cooper is an internationally-recognized human rights advocate and has worked on many global human rights issues including, among others, peace between Palestinians and Israelis. His article, Sea for Peace in the Middle East, addresses this subject and was published in the Global Policy Journal. Currently, he has founded a consortium of major international companies in an effort to assist low-lying nations in Asia to protect themselves against the existential threat of sea level rise.
Mr. Cooper is also a fine arts photographer. See, The Great Wall of Humanity No. 1, and Humanity Lost No. 1 & 2, which are composed of 12 luminous lightbox images and intended to be displayed at a large scale, 21 ft. x 18 ft.
Contact: timothycooper@protonmail.com
Author of 2020, Timothy Cooper